Monday, March 01, 2010

This explains some legislation I've heard about....

Evidently Dr. Pachauri has some company in writing horrifically bad "bodice ripper" novels; Senatress Barbara Boxer (CCCP-CA). While admittedly (and thankfully) I have little experience in this genre of "literature," the kind of drivel that Pachauri and Boxer have managed to get into print speaks volumes to the kind of nonsense that appears in official IPCC reports and Senate bills.

Not to mention, ahem, that if the article is representative of Mrs. Boxer's writing skills, something else besides literary genius was, as for Dr. Pachauri, at work in getting her published. Not that the Senate Ethics Committee will be getting around to it, of course--Senatress Boxer heads it, and apparently didn't think that big pay for bad writing violated any ethical standard.

And if you wonder why a truly "liberal", literary education is important, well, take a look at Senatress Boxer and the head of the IPCC. A little bit more time with Aristotle and logic class could have been enormously helpful to them.

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